Finding the right policy can take a considerable amount of time and effort but Penk Insurance will do the hard work for you comparing quotes from a wide range of insurance companies.
At Penk Insurance we work with a panel of top insurers which means we can carry out a market search on your behalf to help you find a policy that Is competitively priced without compromising on cover.
Finding the right policy can take a considerable amount of time and effort but Penk Insurance will do the hard work for you comparing quotes from a wide range of insurance companies.
Since the 8th June 2015, the paper counterpart driving licence is no longer valid and is no longer issued by the DVLA. Some insurers require you to provide details of your driving licence information and as the counterpart driving licence is now invalid, you will be required to share your licence details by carrying out the following process:
You can use this link to create a licence ‘check code’ to share your driving record with someone, or you can print the details or save & send it by email. The ‘check code’ will be valid for 21 days.
To view or share your driving licence details you will need:
a) your driving licence number
b) your National Insurance Number
c) the postcode on your driving licence
Vehicle Breakdown – We provide various levels of cover to suit your specific needs including road side assistance in the case of a breakdown, recovery of the vehicle, onward transportation of passengers & European cover where chosen.
Drivers’ Legal Protection (DLP) – For extra piece of mind you are recommended to have this cover. If you are involved in a none fault accident DLP will provide help to recover such things as loss of earnings, out of pocket expenses & personal injury compensation where applicable.
Details of how to report a claim are shown in the policy documents we have provided to you.
It is very important that you adhere to the terms and conditions shown in the policy.
To report a motor accident or incident (including malicious damage, fire or theft incidents), you are required to call either your insurer direct (details shown in your policy documents) or to call our claims reporting help line telephone number 0843 506 5754.
This help line telephone number is available 24 hours a day and 365 days per year and is provided by Kindertons Accident Management.
They will be acting as agents of Penk Insurance and they may therefore answer calls or call you stating they are Penk Insurance.
All accidents, irrespective of blame or if settled privately, MUST be reported to your insurer.
If you have damage to the windscreen or window(s) in your vehicle and it is covered on your policy it is VERY IMPORTANT that you report the incident immediately to your insurer using the telephone help line number shown in your insurance documents. DO NOT get the glass repaired or replaced by a company that is not approved by your insurer as this may restrict the level of cover you have.
We will meet with the customers demands & needs and provide them with appropriate insurance cover at all times.
We will provide suitable training to all employees to ensure that they have the appropriate knowledge & competence levels to provide customers with a high level of service and advice.
We will handle all complaints quickly, sympathetically and efficiently in line with FCA guidelines.
We will look after customers money (premiums) in line with FCA guidelines.
We will maintain adequate capital & financial resource at all times in line with FCA guidelines.
We will have adequate professional indemnity insurance cover in place at all times for your protection.